For an illustrated version of this how-to, see:

What is Flash?

Flash has been around since 1996. For a long time it was one of the few ways to run animations, games, video, and other dynamic applications in a Web browser. CASE uses two applications based on Flash: Boardmaker Online and Infinitec ENGAGE.

Hackers have learned how exploit Flash to gain access to your computer. Therefore, Google Chrome disables Flash by default. When you try to launch a Flash application for the first time, you will get an error saying that you need to install Flash.

You do not need to install Flash.


While you’re in a website that is giving you this kind of trouble, you need to tell Chrome to allow that website to run Flash.

  1. On the error window, or on any website that needs flash, click the small padlock icon that appears to the left of the https:// address.

  2. In the menu that appears, look for the item labelled “Flash” and change its setting from “Ask (default)” to “Allow”.

  3. After you close the menu, you will receive a message indicating that the page must be reloaded for the new settings to take effect. Click the reload button.

  4. Try launching your Flash application again.